Located in New Road Lake, in the heart of a dense residential area. The property has traded as a successful hairdresser for many years, but has closed due to retirement thus it may suit a similar destination-use in the future.
Semi-detached single-storey shop unit running to approximately 34m² (365.9ft²) plus yard to the rear and hardstanding to the front. The hardstanding at the front has previously been used to park a small vehicle. The yard to the rear would provide a good space for a store, etc. Please see floor plan for further details. It is considered that the unit may well lend itself to redevelopment to residential use for something along the lines of a 60-56m² 2-bedroom house over two floors subject to any relevant planning consents etc.
Offers are invited in the region of £55,000 for the Freehold interest.
Rateable Value: £1,725
2024/2025: 54.6p without small business relief. Interested parties should make their own enquiries of the Isle of Wight Council to confirm any rate liability or rate concession that may be applicable by telephoning Business Rates on 01983 821000
Strictly by appointment with sole agents Gully Howard Commercial Property, Suite 11 Salisbury Gardens, Dudley Road, Ventnor PO38 1EJ. Call Gavin Chambers or Dot Lucy on 01983 301 434. E: gchambers@gullyhoward.com or dlucy@gullyhoward.com
Whether you're aiming to sell or re-let your commercial property, our agency is dedicated to assisting you.
Contact us today with any further questions.